Statement on COP27 achievements and feminist climate justice

Statement on COP27 achievements and feminist climate justice

cambiaMO promotes an inclusive, intersectional and just climate transition approach defending a sustainable urban and interurban mobility with social justice at the centre of systems’ transformations, including infrastructures and related services, mainly in mobility and energy sectors.

cambiaMO at TRA 2022 conference in Lisboa

cambiaMO at TRA 2022 conference in Lisboa

cambiaMO promotes an inclusive, intersectional and just transition approach at the TRA 2022 starting today with the strategic session 1.1 on inclusivity at 15:15, then the specific session 1.2.2 defending the intersectional approach realised in the INDIMO project, and finally on Tuesday at the session 2.3.3 on Sustainable interurban and urban mobility just transition with a paper on Social justice at the centre of sustainable projects evaluation.

cambiaMO at COP 27 conference on climate change

cambiaMO at COP 27 conference on climate change

cambiaMO will be at COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh from November 6-18, and will organize, together with SUR Lab of the Bocconi University of Milan and UN-Habitat, a side event entitled “The contribution of urban regeneration to climate neutrality in cities”.

cambiaMO at SB56 United Nations Climate Talks in Bonn – Pre COP27

cambiaMO at SB56 United Nations Climate Talks in Bonn – Pre COP27

cambiaMO will be at the SB56 Bonn Climate Change Conference 2022 and will host, together with the Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL) and the International Foundation for African Children (IFAC), a side event on Strengthening Capacity to Deliver the ‘Paris Rulebook’ through Climate Law and Governance