We are thrilled to announce the participation of Floridea di Ciommo and Maria Alonso at the upcoming 17th NECTAR Conference in Brussels, Belgium, July 3-5, 2024. Organized by the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, the focus of the conference is on how transport and communications research can support the different roles stakeholders take in transport planning: Stakeholder involvement in transport: Who, why, how, and with what impact? 

Floridea di Ciommo will be a panelist in the keynote session on the first day of the conference. Her expertise in stakeholder engagement promises to enrich discussions on how diverse stakeholders can contribute to sustainable and inclusive mobility policies, as it is being tested in the HEurope-funded projects AMIGOS and InclusiveSpaces.

Presentation by Floridea Di Ciommo

On Friday, Floridea di Ciommo will present in the parallel sessions on Transport Planning and Policy Thematic Cluster. Her presentation titled “Climate Assemblies to Engage Citizens in Mobility and Transport Policies” will delve into the concept of Climate Assemblies (CAs). Highlighting the CLIMAS Horizon Europe Research and Innovation project, Floridea will discuss how CAs foster informed citizen deliberation on climate and adaptation strategies, potentially transforming approaches to Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs).

Presentation by Maria Alonso

Later on the same day, Maria Alonso will present in the Tourism and Capacity Building thematic cluster. Her presentation, “Co-designing a Future-oriented Curriculum on Sustainability and Climate Resilience in the transport, shipping, and logistics sectors,” will focus on the collaborative efforts within the REFOCUS ERASMUS+ project. Maria will share insights on how Communities of Practice (CoPs) have been instrumental in designing educational curricula that integrate sustainability and climate resilience in transport education across European countries.

Both presentations promise to contribute significantly to the discourse on stakeholder engagement, sustainability, and innovation in transport and mobility sectors. We look forward to their insights and the stimulating discussions they will inspire at the NECTAR Conference 2024.

For more information, find here the final agenda and the booklet of abstracts.