Esquema funcional de ordenación de la movilidad y el espacio público del Arco Este de Madrid: Arturo Soria – Pablo Neruda

The article summarizes a study of the functional scheme for planning mobility and the public space of the East Arch of Madrid, carried out for the city council. The Arch, which begins in Fuente de la Mora and ends in front of the Madrid Assembly, corresponds to the group formed by the structuring streets of Arturo Soria, Institución Libre de Enseñanza, Fuente Carrantona and Pablo Neruda.
The study, based on how the city has been formed from the Linear city proposal of Arturo Soria and its original vocation as a transport axis and containment of the irregular developments of the urban periphery, analyzes the situation of the different modes of transport and public space in the different sections of the street that make up the Arch, defines improvement objectives and proposes seven alternatives for a new distribution of the road section. The alternatives are valued based on the functional articulation of the modes and the potentially generated urban landscape.
The result is the development of the alternative considered most suitable for each section, by means of schemes that include: perspective views, which convey the essence of the proposed scheme; detailed sections, corresponding to the current situation and the selected distribution alternatives; mobility flow management schemes for the current and proposed situations; as well as the set of constructive measures and regulation of the circulation of application for each section.

Porto Schettino, M., González González, F. J., & Rondinella, G. (2018). Esquema funcional de ordenación de la movilidad y el espacio público del Arco Este de Madrid: Arturo Soria – Pablo Neruda. Planur, 12. Retrieved from

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