On International Women’s Day, cambiaMO reaffirms its determined commitment to gender equity and feminism, once again demonstrating that the fight for equity has no expiration date. Through a series of innovative initiatives, concrete actions, participation in various European projects, and the fight for climate justice,  we have maintained the determination to challenge the obstacles faced by women in all spheres of life.

At cambiaMO, we want to commemorate significant moments on our journey towards gender equity. From the official publication of the results of the INDIMO project on the EU’s research and innovation portal to our active participation in the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28), where the Final Reaction of the Women and Gender Constituency reflected our commitment to inclusive, equitable, and gender transformative climate policies,  with the active participation of women in decision-making and resources mobilization.

cambiaMO has shared its research results with other projects like FINDHR, addressing discrimination in algorithmic hiring, seeking to ensure justice and equality without intersectional discrimination in job recommendations. This effort underscores the determination to confront contemporary challenges with inclusive and equitable solutions.

cambiaMO’s participation in events like TRB 2023 and TRB 2024 transport conferences has demonstrated its continued commitment to gender equity in research and transport. These conferences have provided opportunities to promote dialogue and collaboration in the pursuit of inclusive, sustainable solutions to address care mobility, which accounts for over 40% of daily mobility throughout the week.

In a world where gender inequalities and discrimination persist, we are committed to continue advocating for a future where all individuals, regardless of their gender, race, and their physical, mental and socio-economic conditions, can live and thrive on equal terms.

We want to stress the importance of approaches to climate change that are gender-transformative, conflict-sensitive, and respect human rights;

On this 8th of March 2024, International Women’s Day, we invite everyone to join our cause and continue forward with the fight for a fairer and more equitable world for all women and girls in all their diversity.

Let’s fight together for progress towards a more just future for everyone!