A behavioral framework for needs-based transport assessment
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Within the framework of equity in transport, this chapter provides an overview of the rationale for using a needs-satisfaction approach for transport planning assessment. It begins by presenting the main concepts and aims that have governed the transport planning process during the last decades: mobility and accessibility. Subsequently, a transition to a wider framework such as the proposed needs-satisfaction approach will be developed.
Di Ciommo, F., Magrinya, F., Rondinella, G., & Shiftan, Y. (2019). A behavioral framework for needs-based transport assessment. In K. Lucas, K. Martens, F. Di Ciommo, & A. Dupont (Eds.), Measuring Transport Equity (pp. 265–275). Amsterdam: Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-814818-1.00017-2
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