

Improving Accessibility and Inclusiveness of Digital Mobility Solutions: A European Approach
Ano - 2021
Soporte - Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021)
Transport Innovation for Sustainable Development: A Gender Perspective
Ano - 2021
Soporte - OECD Publishing
Editorial in Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Ano - 2020
Soporte - Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Editorial in Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Ano - 2020
Soporte - Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Derechos y reivindicaciones para la movilidad metropolitana
Ano - 2020
Soporte - Observatorio Metropolis
Personal Values, Attitudes and Travel Intentions Towards Cycling and Walking, and Actual Behavior
Ano - 2019
Soporte - Sustainability
Esquema funcional de ordenación de la movilidad y el espacio público del Arco Este de Madrid: Arturo Soria – Pablo Neruda
Ano - 2018
Soporte - Planur
City-hubs for smarter cities. The case of Lille “EuraFlandres” interchange
Ano - 2018
Soporte - European Transport Research Review
Existence, relatedness and growth needs as mediators between mode choice and travel satisfaction: evidence from Denmark
Ano - 2018
Soporte - Transportation
Need-based travel behavior analysis: new potential for mobility survey
Ano - 2018
Soporte - Transportation Research Procedia
How the inaccessibility index can improve transport planning and investment
Ano - 2018
Soporte - International Transport Forum Discussion Papers
Travel time savings, accessibility gains and equity effects in cost–benefit analysis
Ano - 2017
Soporte - Transport Reviews
Derecho a la ciudad, necesidades de movilidad: un nuevo enfoque para la evaluación de las políticas de transporte
Ano - 2017
Soporte - Papers: Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona: Territori, estratègies, planejament
Accessibility as an indicator of transport equity. The case of public transport infrastructure in Malta, and its impact on the elderly
Ano - 2016
Soporte - Xjenza Online - Journal of The Malta Chamber of Scientists
Sustainable urban mobility plans: Bridging climate change and equity targets?
Ano - 2016
Soporte - Research in Transportation Economics
Integrated Transport Planning Framework Involving Combined Utility Regret Approach
Ano - 2014
Soporte - Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
Evaluating the equity effects of road-pricing in the European urban context – The Madrid Metropolitan Area
Ano - 2014
Soporte - Applied Geography
The relationship between young people׳s transit use and their perceptions of equity concepts in transit service provision
Ano - 2014
Soporte - Transport Policy
Exploring the role of social capital influence variables on travel behaviour
Ano - 2014
Soporte - Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Improving the analysis of road pricing acceptability surveys by using hybrid models
Ano - 2013
Soporte - Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Private Funding of Intermodal Exchange Stations in Urban Areas: Case of Madrid, Spain
Ano - 2009
Soporte - Transportation Research Record
Cyclists’ Anger As Determinant of Near Misses Involving Different Road Users
Ano - 2017
Soporte - Frontiers in Psychology
Qualitative analysis on cycle commuting in two cities with different cycling environments and policies
Ano - 2016
Soporte - Universitas Psychologica
Cycle commuting intention: A model based on theory of planned behaviour and social identity
Ano - 2015
Soporte - Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour