BGD | Barcelona Gender and Diversity Equality for Urban Public Transport

Project development

(European Investment Bank tender AA-010885-001, 2022-2023)

Given the background data available about the alarming levels of gender violence towards women, this investment project explores the avenues in which this could be alleviated, supporting the plans of the Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB) operator of Metro and Bus services in Barcelona. Adding LGTBIQ communities and an intersectional approach to the targeted population of the study, the three general objectives of the investment project are: a) Evaluate the resources needed for the implementation of TMB’s harassment prevention plans identifying any potential gap based on TMB’s existing resources. Resulting in a Report of Findings on the Evaluation TMB’s resources and definition of measures; b) Support TMB’s in monitoring and measuring the impact of the harassment prevention plans. Resulting in, firstly in the report on design of a monitoring system and impact evaluation framework, secondly a business case and thirdly the report analysis of the survey results; c) Capture the key findings and develop lessons learnt from the assignment in order to share the identified results and learnings that could be used by other public transport operators in Spain and in other EU countries. Resulting in, firstly an overall summary report (for internal use) and secondly a report on lessons learnt and best practices (public report).

cambiaMO leads the consortium of consultants chosen by the European Investment Bank to carry out the project in association with TISpt and LIFE. The advisory assignment aims to support TMB in the implementation of its prevention plan elaborated in 2021 against all forms of harassment, thus helping to guarantee that transport services are accessible for people in situations of vulnerability, including women and persons with other gender identities.

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