AMIGOS | Active Mobility Innovations for Green and safe city sOlutionS

Project development

To reach carbon neutrality, cities must adopt new, more adapted energy models for urban mobility, relying on zero-emission and active mobility modes. The uptake of sustainable mobility solutions relies on their inclusivity, affordability and safety, as well as their consistency with users’ needs. Through co-creation activities and innovative digital tools, the AMIGOS project will identify present and future mobility challenges for 5 cities (living labs) and 10 urban areas (safety improvement areas). The digital tools include a Mobility Observation Box and an application for the collection of new mobility data, which will feed a big data platform for their analysis and digital twins to visualize mobility scenarios. They will allow urban stakeholders to identify mobility challenges and will serve as a basis for the co-development of adapted mobility solutions: towards reducing traffic, increasing public and active mobility modes, improving safety and co-habitation between different mobilities for the 5 cities, and towards increased safety for the 10 urban areas. Therefore, key stakeholders such as public authorities and vulnerable users will be included in the definition of technological and policy solutions mobility solutions which will be implemented in the cities. Their environmental, safety, economic and social impacts will be assessed, in addition to their medium- and long-term impact and their replicability, in view of their implementation in 5 twin cities.

cambiaMO is responsible for the work package regarding the replication and scaling-up of solutions with the aim of providing insights on the replicability of the AMIGOS co-created solutions, as well as how they can be adapted to other cities’ particular urban mobility settings. cambiaMO is also in charge of the stakeholder recruitment strategy for cities and for creating synergies and collaboration with other projects and initiatives.


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