PMSEP and PDMC evaluations
In 2016 the City Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz commissioned the evaluation of two key tools in its planning framework: the Sustainable Mobility and Public Space Plan (PMSEP), which contemplates a series of actions that extend from 2008 to the year 2023, and the Master Plan for Cycling Mobility (PDMC) 2010-2015, which was conceived as a development of the PMSEP specifically oriented to bicycle mobility.
The Assessment and Diagnostic Report aims to be an instrument that encourages reflection on the transformation experienced in the last decade in the mobility system of Vitoria-Gasteiz, carrying out a double evaluation exercise on the two aforementioned tools, and helping to plan and improve future mobility. On the one hand, an intermediate evaluation of the PMSEP is carried out to identify the progress made and the readjustment needs of its objectives and measures, in order to feed the next planning phase until 2023. On the other hand, a final evaluation of the PDMC after the end of its period of validity, to move towards the drafting of a new master plan.
Gianni Rondinella, currently co-director of cambiaMO, was responsible for these evaluations, carrying out the work with the use of a specific methodology: ‘CH4LLENGE Monitoring and Evaluation Manual: Assessing the impact of measures and evaluating mobility planning processes’ (Gühnemann, 2016). This methodology structures the information of the plans to be evaluated in four blocks -objectives, strategies, instruments/measures and resources-, which correspond to the different aspects of the implementation, and associates each block with a specific set of indicators.

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