SPINE | Smart Public transport Initiatives for climate-Neutral cities in Europe
cambiaMO team
SPINE’s vision is to accelerate the progress towards climate neutrality by reinforcing PT systems through their smart integration with new mobility services, sharing schemes, active transport modes, and micromomibilty. SPINE adopts an equity centred design thinking approach, leading the transition to a more efficient, sustainable, resilient, and inclusive PT system. A network of collaborative LLs is developed to foster transferability, while an intersectional view of the transport system users is applied. Four Lead City LLs in Antwerp, Bologna, Tallin and Las Palmas will be established, and a series of co-creation activities will take place where multiple stakeholders will be actively engaged in the development and demonstration of efficient, replicable, and socially acceptable innovative mobility solutions, advancing existing assets.
The SPINE approach involves the creation of (a) innovative simulation and Digital Twining (DT) tools, along with open data and behavioural models, that will allow the building of scenarios combining different mobility interventions (push and pull measures along with supporting policies) and the implementation of the most promising ones; (b) data-driven impact assessment models that will foster the twinning, transferability and adaptation of the successful solutions of the four LLs in seven Twining Cities – Barreiro, Valladolid, Zilina, Sibenik, Hrakleion, Gdynia and Rouen-. SPIRE sets a high ambitious plan for the co-design and implementation of 55 smart greens inclusive mobility solutions. The SPINE consortium brings together a multidisciplinary team of 39 partners from 16 countries. The unique mix of experienced transport engineers, Public transport Operators, computer scientists, data analysts, transport modelers, social scientists, urban planners, policy analysts, software providers, within our consortium assures the comprehensive approach to the challenges, scope, expected impact and the successful delivery of the project.
cambiaMO is one of the initiating entities of SPINE and is responsible for the work package regarding policy recommendations and guidelines with the aim of releasing the roadmap to unleashing the true potential of Public Transport at the end of the project. cambiaMO is also in charge of developing the behavioural change models, extending advanced econometric travel behaviour models to assess the impact of implementing qualified solutions on travel behaviour, modal split and satisfaction with PT services. The models will allow the quantification and exploration of socio-demographic, attitudinal and model/service specific variables which affect the success of the foreseen interventions. The Passenger Behavioural Models will capture the drivers and motives regarding urban mobility mode selection and trip characteristics from individual passenger level to community scale, allowing the combined study of interventions. Diagnostic and predictive feedback process will forecast both reception of new mobility solutions and changes related to MaaS and policy measures. cambiaMO is also the scientific partner supporting the Living Lab of Valladolid and is also responsible for the Social Equity, Accessibility and Gender Equality monitoring throughout the whole project.

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